If you’re a cyclist, you know Brooks:
Monday, April 1, 2013
The Brooks Lady B18 Saddle
If you’re a cyclist, you know Brooks:
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
WEBike NYC’s Bike-cleaning Class and Brooklyn Bike date!
Sunday was a much-needed break from reality. Hubb and I really needed to just get out, ride our bikes and be together outside of a doctors office or home. Its been hella-cray y’all! I am so thankful to have been able to make it out and support fellow Bronx BikeGirl-Laura Solis- and get in some miles whilst at it :).
The class was held at the highly #bikenyc acclaimed Bike-shop/Café Red Latern Bicycles. I’ve been trying to get to this place for almost a year, I am barely in Brooklyn as it is, but that is changing since I’m delving in manymany bikey adventures this year! This place lived up to the hype:
A couple who I guess saw us taking bike portraits and stuff, came up to us and offered to snap a few shots for us…how nice!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
5BBC Crash Seminar
As you may already know, Hubb was in a crash early January. It’s been rocky dealing with the healing, the MRI’s, the horrible Disability Claims office, and lawyers..it is not without its stressors. Luckily enough, I still have a husband and The Kid still has a father, and he is getting better and better everyday with much positivity from our loved ones. I cannot express my thanks to all for your kind words, prayers, legal help, and general positive energy! With that said, when I received a Facebook invite to this seminar 5BBC was hosting in Soho, I RSVP’d posthaste.
REI was kind enough to lend their cellar meeting room to those who came out and City Bakery supplied some yummy goodies! REI is a fantastic outdoor/recreation store who just moved over to the East Coast, and Downtown loves it to bits. Its easy to get lost in all the gear clothing and of course bikes! Starting around 6:30 pm, we learned so much from the presenting lawyers, who are fellow cyclists and have been in crashes. I took some pictures of their Power Point presentation;
I was SO surprised to learn Cell phone usage does not apply to cyclists. I only take out my phone for directions, but even then I pull over, I do not condone phone usage on the streets! I was also shocked that there is no law for us cyclists to be in a single file, not even two abreast(next to each other), we can travel in packs if we want! SO RAD.
After the seminar, Hubb and I explore REI:
Whilst browsing and chatting, we meet some of NYC’s Track bike peeps from Instagram!
Don’t mind the face, I get happy when peeps recognize me! Great meeting @getafteritnow and @ishkibbible (go follow them, bikey peeps!)
I also had time for a few shots of that nights outfit;
Leggings(got em in blue and purple!): Ebay
Torrid Safety-pin Vest: Embellish Boutique
Spiked Moto Jacket: Forever 21+
Bicycle Head Scarf: Oh Honey Hush! on Etsy
Bag: Chrome(The Victor-my dad’s name :))
A big thank you to 5BBC for an informative seminar and chill atmosphere, I definitely plan on coming out on a ride! Click here to learn more about 5BBC and all they offer us cyclists.
Happy Cruisin’!
K xo